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This shows the one electoral vote that then Senator from Illinois Barack Obama got in Nebraska due to how that state awards it's electoral votes |
There have been numerous proposals to change how the Electoral College system works in each state, one of which was proposed by the Pennsylvania state senate majority leader Dominic Pileggi (he is from the Republican Party). He proposes that the state of Pennsylvania should change the way it awards it's electoral votes from the winner takes all approach (this means that which ever candidate wins the popular vote in that state also gets that states electoral votes) which is used in most of the fifty states with the exceptions being in the states of Maine and Nebraska to a system where by eighteen of the electoral votes would be awarded to which ever candidate wins a particular congressional district e.g. if you won the popular vote in nine of the congressional districts you would get nine of Pennsylvania’s electoral votes. The remaining two would be awarded to the candidate who won the state wide popular vote. This Proposal by Pileggi is similar to the systems already in place in the two already mentioned states of Maine and Nebraska (President Obama got one electoral vote from Nebraska in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election). Another proposal to change how the Electoral College works comes from a person called Hal Nickle from California, they wanted it changed by getting the Secretary of State of California to determine the percentage of the popular vote received by each Presidential candidate down to the nearest one hundredth of a percentile and then multiply what ever the percentage is by the number of Presidential Electors California has which is 55, then if the number of electoral votes each candidate got did not equal the number of electors, the rest would be awarded to the candidate with highest percentage of the popular vote, (this proposal did not qualify to go on the ballot. The full proposal can be read here https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/initiatives/pdfs/13-0049%20%2813-0049%20%28Electoral%20Votes%29%29.pdf?). If this were how the electoral votes were awarded in California then in the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election President Obama would have got 35 electoral votes and former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney would have got 20. My personal opinion on this would be to leave the Electoral College as it is even if it is somewhat unfair.